Patients who visit Dentistry by Shane Nelson DDS appreciate that we use dental ceramics instead of metals to repair cavities. They like that a tooth-colored filling looks like the natural tooth structure. They also have peace of mind that our filling materials do not contain mercury.
Why should I choose a mercury-free dentist near me in Overland Park?
Mercury is a known toxin. “Silver-colored” or amalgam fillings are made from a mix of metals, including silver, copper, and tin. But some patients may not realize that around 50% of each amalgam filling (by weight) is made up of mercury. As a mercury-free dentist, we do not place amalgam fillings for maximum patient safety and satisfaction.
What types of materials do you use?
Our metal-free materials include composite resin, which is perfectly color-matched to the surrounding tooth structure. We also use porcelain for restorations such as indirect veneers, inlays, onlays, and full-coverage crowns. These materials not only get along well with surrounding tissues and the rest of your body, but they also look natural. Besides, non-metal fillings are conservative. They preserve maximum natural tooth structure. So, they align with Dr. Nelson’s holistic practice and principles.
How do you place tooth-colored fillings?
After the decayed or damaged areas of the tooth are removed, cleaned, and otherwise “prepared,” the color-matched composite resin is applied in layers to the treatment site. Each layer is hardened. Then, the tooth is refined and polished to look, feel, and function like a natural and healthy tooth. Conventional amalgam fillings require that more of the natural tooth be drilled out or removed to accommodate the indirect restoration or filling.
What is a mercury-safe dentist?
We are glad you asked! A mercury-free dentist does not place amalgam fillings that contain mercury. However, there is a distinction between mercury-free and mercury-safe. As a mercury-safe dentist, Dr. Nelson has invested in the training and equipment to remove amalgam fillings safely. He must remove these fillings differently than mercury-free materials because the toxin is released at high levels during the removal process. There are 600-plus dentists in Kansas, and to put this in perspective, Dr. Nelson is one of only four dentists in the entire state to be certified by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) in “SMART” (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique). As SMART-certified dentists, we use everything from protective gear and barriers to specialized waste disposal, filtration, and ventilation to limit mercury exposure via vapors and particles generated during the filling removal procedure.
Our approaches are better for you and your family, our staff, and the planet. Experience advanced, holistic, mercury-free (and mercury-safe!) dentistry today. Contact us to schedule your appointment. (913) 297-7800.
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